Ranunculus Love Affair

Ranunculus Love Affair

This has been a weird winter... very mild overall and remarkably un-winter-like. February brought weeks with highs in the upper 70's (possibly even hit 80 a day or two) and March brought lows in the teens and with a couple inches of snow. Thankfully the ranunculus and anemone, which started blooming in late January, survived, as did the thousands of cool flowers out in the fields. 

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Give a little love

Valentine's Day has never been about red roses and sugary treats in our house. My husband rarely bought me flowers even before I had a flower farm and design studio, and of course even less often now. Perhaps its because no matter how thoughtfully he displayed them, I always wanted to rearrange them, put them in a different vase, move them to a new location - basically to put my own touch on the arrangement (sorry honey!). William and I tend to shy away from the consumerism surrounding most holidays, but use February 14th as a day to celebrate our marriage, to reflect on how grateful we are for each other and to plan an extra special date night. 

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have learned SO much in this first season and while there are many lessons that I learned the hard way (and don't wish to repeat!), it has been overwhelmingly successful and rewarding. Throughout the next few months I'll continue to fine-tune and adjust my vision for Flourish, but one thing is for certain... I cannot wait to take on more weddings and special events!

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Springtime in April

Its hard to believe that April is already midway through, but you know its truly spring when 2 weeks after a heavy frost warning and low of 25 degrees, its sweltering hot with no breeze and a high of 82 degrees. Thankfully all of my flowers came through the freeze unscathed - it was certainly nerve wracking though! I had just spent the previous couple weeks filling the field with snapdragons, dianthus, larkspur, lisianthus and bachelor buttons. All in all, I planted over 10,000 plugs (baby flowers). My body has probably never ached as much as it has this month, but its all worth it. 

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